"There never was a time in which we were unknown to God, and there never will be a moment in which we shall be beyond His observation.This is a fact to be remembered every moment: sitting down to consider, or rising up to act, we are still seen, known, and read by Jehovah our Lord.Though Thou shouldst give but a glance at my heart, and see me as one sees a passing meteor moving afar, yet Thou wouldst by that glimpse sum up all the meanings of my soul, so transparent is everything to Thy piercing glance.The Lord judges our active life and our quiet life he discriminates our action and our repose, and marks that in them which is good and also that which is evil.
#Pdf attributes of god full
Spurgeon on The Attributes of God ( CLICK full page of Quotes HERE) (eg hold point over &/or click " OMNISCIENT ") NOTE : mouse over BRIGHT BLUE or click attribute for more "I PRAY THEE SHOW ME THY GLORY" EX 33:18 (NOTE) Youtube Videos related to God's Attributes (songs by Chris Tomlin) indescribable How great is our God Why study the Attributes of God? Daniel 11:32- note says that “ know their God will display strength & take action” Click for Joy of Knowing God through His attributes.

The Attributes of God - Part 2b Righteous Self-existent Self-sufficient Sovereign Transcendent Truth Wise Wrath The Attributes of God - Part 2a Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient The Attributes of God - Part 1b Immutable Impartial Incomprehensible Infinite Jealous Justice Longsuffering Love Mercy The Attributes of God - Part 1a Eternal Faithfulness Foreknows Good Holy