Palm cockatoos lay one egg per clutch, which is incubated for 30 to 33 days. ( "Fact Sheets: Palm Cockatoo", 2006 "Palm Cockatoo", 2006 "Parrots: Cockatoos", 2006) The same site is often used year after year. Their nesting holes tend to be about 1 m in depth and 25 to 60 cm in diameter are are lined with a pile of broken twigs at the bottom, upon which the egg rests. Instead they use previously hollowed cavities in large trees, such as palms. Palm cockatoos cannot excavate their own nesting cavities. The mating season varies with local climate, but is usually from August to January. ( "Fact Sheets: Palm Cockatoo", 2006 "Palm Cockatoo", 2006 Silverstein, et al., 2003) Palm cockatoos are monogamous and stay together for life. Sometimes the male will also bang a stick against a tree while calling out, as a territorial gesture near the nesting sight.
Before mating the male makes loud whistles and bows several times during which the skin on the face will usually become a deep red. Range wingspan 70 to 100 cm 27.56 to 39.37 inĭuring mating the male and female approach each other with wings extended.In young birds, the underfeathers are lined with a pale yellow and in very young birds (under 18 months old), the tip of the bill and the eye ring are white.

Their cheek skin changes color based on their health or level of stress so when highly stressed the skin will change color to a pink/beige, while when highly excited the skin changes to yellow. Their legs are grey/black with few feathers on their thighs and their red facial markings are their most distinguished characteristic.

Their strong mandibles are used for cracking nuts and are larger in males than in females.
This partly open mouth makes it easier for the birds to hold nuts in their mouth and crack them at the same time. Their beaks never close completely, always revealing a bit of their black-tipped red tongues. Palm cockatoos are almost all black with a 15 cm erectile crest on their head. Wing length is around 35.1 cm, tail length 23.8 cm, bill length 9.1 cm, and tarsus length averages 3.5 cm. They weigh 500 to 1100 g, with females ranging from 500 to 950 g and males ranging from 540 to 1100 g. Palm cockatoos are the largest of all parrots, ranging from 49 to 68 cm in height. During the day they roost near food or water sources and at night roost in or near a nest tree.

They choose large trees for nesting and roosting. Palm cockatoos are found in rainforests, including gallery forests, forest edges, monsoon woodlands, eucalypt and paperbark woodlands, partly cleared areas, and dense savannas. stenolopus, in New Guinea and Western Irian. goliath, the largest of the subspecies, found in Western Irian and the Papuan Islands, and finally P. atterimus, found in the Misool Isles, Aru Islands, and Northern Australia, P. (Accessed September 4, 2021.Palm cockatoos are found in the Australasian region, including New Guinea, the Cape York Peninsula (Northern Australia), Aru Islands, West Irian, Misool Isle (Western Papuan Islands) and other islands. The Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: Occurrence, History, Distribution, and Status. Parrots: A Guide to Parrots of the World. (Accessed September 4, 2021.)įorshaw, J.M. eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance.