I select "Yes" and then I open project and my secrets.yml is gone! Now I had to use secrets.yml I had backed up. This time it says "overwrite directory" since I have an existing project.

And now again I have to delete and recreate the module. But then I get this obscure error Rails server launcher wasn't found in the project. I had to go to Project > File Structure and delete the Module. I restarted computer and still no folders. I git checkout 8d4fbd1b5dfce0a3daa16896a603903a And then I open RubyMine and folders are gone! I closed and reopened. Well, when I did that, suddenly the folders in RubyMine disappeared. All I did was git checkout to a certain version of my repo. My day started out peaceful and then ended as a nightmare, courtesy of RubyMine. Ok, this RubyMine has some serious issues. Change any directories that do not point to root folder of app.Enter "Working Directory" label value of "./".Click for "Rails Version" label the version that finished downloading from the drop-down (i.e.selecting a Rails version >5.1.2 causes this to occur) Do not select a Rails version that causes the tooltip "This version is not fully supported" to appear below (i.e.
#Rubymine debug rails download#
Select a Rails version for it to download and wait (i.e.Click for "Rails Version" label the "Install Rails Gem." drop-down.Choose for "Module SDK" label your "RVM: ruby-2.4.1 ".Select "Ruby on Rails" from the left hand side list.Go to Menu > File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Modules > Click "+" and select "New Module".UPDATE: I encountered the same error again more recently on 2nd September 2017 and followed these steps to overcome it: The initial approach that I took that DID NOT end up fixing the error involved choosing to use "Use other SDK" within the Run > Edit Configurations window to load my Ruby Gemset into the debug configuration (instead of using a Module). Then finally I could run Run > Debug and it allowed me to trigger breakpoints as shown below:
#Rubymine debug rails install#
I solved this by running the following in the Terminal (outside the IDE): gem install debase -pre I was then able to successfully open the Rails app in the browser open But then when I tried to Run > Debug so I could debug using breakpoints, it gave me the following errors: I was then able to run the server Run > Run, which displayed: I was then able to click Ok to save the Run/Edit Config So I went back to Run > Edit Configurations window and click on "Rails > skag" where I could now use "Choose SDK from module" since there was now my "skag_server_rails" Module available in the drop-down that I just created, and no errors were apparent, as shown below: I'd now finished importing the Rails project I was working on as a Module, and it showed the following, so I clicked "Ok", as I was now ready to try and run my Rails server again: It then showed the following window, and I clicked "Finish". I then selected "Create module from existing sources" and clicked "Next", and it showed the following, with a blue checkbox shown next to my Rails project root directory that it found, so I clicked "Next" again: Then I navigated to my Rails project's root directory "'/Users/my_username/code/apps/_murmur/skag_server_rails" and clicked Open, which displayed the following. Then I clicked Modules, and clicked the icon "+", and selected "Import Module". But I could run the Rails server fine using Terminal (outside the IDE) with rails s.įirst I opened Run > Edit Configurations but "Choose SDK from module" didn't have any Project Modules available to select from the drop-down, so I had to create one as follows: Ruby v2.3.0 or latest Rails 5.1.2), and even starting a brand new project from scratch.

idea/ folder, trying different Ruby or Rails versions (i.e. Other solutions also didn't fix the error. It occurred when I tried to Run or Debug my Rails server from within IntelliJ. It took me an entire day to solve the issue, so I've written a detailed explanation with screenshots to guide others. I was using Ruby v2.4.0 with Rails 5.0.2. I upgraded from RubyMine to IntelliJ Ultimate IDE 2017.1.5 and I encountered the same error "Run Configuration Error: Rails server launcher wasn't found in project".